Thursday, October 27, 2011


How hard is soldering wires?  It's actually quite easy.  Therefore, don't be afraid to do it youself.

I had seen my dear friend done a few times.  I decided to do it this time.  First, checked Youtube.  You could find a lot of "how-to" film clips there.

I got the old wire set from ebay for $28.80.  The previous owner replaced the driver side door with a 1995 model which doesn't have 2 speaker wires.  

Money spent: $28.80
Total expense: $8030.32

Inner clamp


Glued those inner clamps with trusted JB weld in the living room.....stink up the whole place....

Friday, October 21, 2011

Driver side door panel

3 weeks.....really?  3 weeks.....  actually, it's more like 4 weeks.

They first spent 1 week, then I got a poor made door back before taking my vacation.  After getting back from the trip, I dropped the door at the shop and told them to fix it.  I guess they were really reluctant to do the job.  I waited another 3 weeks.

Now, I just needed to put the door back.  I had been driving a car without door panel for almost 5 months.

Money spent: $120
Total expense: $8001.52

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Installing window channel

Since previous owner replaced the driver side door with junkyard part, he didn't bother to assemble all necessary parts.  In order to install inner door panel, I need to get six clamps and inner window channel cover.

A simple clamp shows how much attention BMW put into its part development.

Still waiting for the door panel from a upholstery near my house.  Throughout this project, I have encountered few bad shops.  This upholstery is one of them.

Money spent: $34.65
Total expense: $7881.52

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

One last shipment


Before deciding to stop this project, I placed an order for few more parts.  Since all these parts were special order parts, I could not return them.

有時真不知道是自己的完美主意做祟......如果一切可以稍為有缺陷, 我可能還會玩下去.

I will install few more parts to the door.