Monday, May 30, 2011

Got the door!

Got the door panel.  One expensive door panel.  The door panel isn't in the perfect shape.  The used part store didn' want to give me any discount.

Door stop.  Driver side door doesn't have a door stop, so it can swing open all the way.  I was ready to install it during the long weekend, then I found out the car body doesn't have the mechanism to hold this door stop (due to previous minor accident from previous owner).  I will need to change my plan again.

Money spent: $208.53
Total expense: $4198.53


Damn P0442 code

Check engine light was on again.  Did some online research, the charcoal canister (see the grey area) might be the cause.  Sent the car to have the mechanic double check...and yes, he found the leak.

Money spent: $60
Total expense: $3990

Monday, May 23, 2011

Original condition vs. after cleaning

We spent a long time cleaning this car this weekend.



I feel much better when I drive to work now......

Fixed brake/stop light bulbs.  Added new seat cover.

Money spent: $30.56
Total expense: $3930


Sunday, May 22, 2011

Problem area

Besides the check engine light/airbag light/brake light, I have created a list of problems:
- wrong wheel.
- few dents on the body.
- wrong color on driver side door.
- canvas top is in very bad shape (may leak).
- driver side door is in bad shape (doesn't have door stop)
- wrong gas cap (fixed it)
- bad bulbs (fixed it)
- crack lens
- crack leather seat with dirty seat cover.
- tinted window crack.
- smog check (need re-test)

Driver side door is probably the biggest problem now.

Dirty steering wheel

I should wear a glove when I got the car and drove home.  I used 4 clothes to clean the steering dirty~


Thursday, May 19, 2011

BMW gas cap

The check engine light stayed on due to cheap off-shelf gas cap not sufficiently sealing the gas tank.  OEM BMW gas cap was purchased.

Money spent: $28.07
Total expense: $3899.44

Mechanic inspection!

The biggest mistake of buying a used car is not having a mechanic check on it.  Since I have limited budget on this project, I need to find a mechanic who can do jobs with fair price.

I spent some time looking on yelp and found this shop.  Before getting to the shop, 3 lights came up: check engine, air bag, and brake.  The mechanic, Danny, spent a great amont of time describing possible problems.  This car actually had very little oil left.  The previous did nothing to maintain this car.  After doing the transmission fluid change, oil change, brake pad/rotor replacement, and brake fluid change, the car started to run smoothly.  All lights were gone.

The mechanic also found another amazing thing about this car.  The front driver side door doesn't have a hinge.  I guess I really can't expect much from a $3200 car.  Anyway, just need to add that to the list.  The car also needs new control arm brushing and drive shaft brushing.

Money spent: $572.37
Total expense: $3871.37


Start cleaning

weird smell embedded in the cup holder from years of abuse....trying to wash it off took me one hour.  I also found some missing door trim pieces inside the storage compartment.

前車主沒好好照顧,潔癖 忍不住要動手清潔,不然不只放了『熊寶貝』除臭,每開一次就把全身衣服換洗一次!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


There is a catch when buying an old car.  SMOG CHECK!!  Unless you transfer the title (from previous title change) within 90 days, you will need a smog check.  Seller is required to provide the certificate.  Without knowing this, the registration can't be complete. 

Money spent: $89
Total expense: $3299

Beater is home~

After extended research, we decided on E36 318ti and made it our beater.  With $3000 budget (with addtional allowance from the big boss), we got a $3200 car on 2011.0516.  This was the 3rd car we had seen on that week.  After seeing the 2nd car, I was ready to give up the idea.  $3000 budget was really too little....

We plan to make this into our projec car.  Something we can work on together.

Money spent: $3210
Total expense: $3210


我們的Monkey Project

從小 就是愛車的人,看著家裡幾百部以上完全不同的各模型車,各款各類不管是從車子的年份、外觀、性能到優缺點,對 來說都如數家珍。
最近,起了想自己DIY的念頭,希望作些許瘋狂的事記錄自己年輕過,提了要像以前一起作個Project。 起初一直擔心因為既不是專業也不懂機械,怕是個無止盡的黑洞,也擔心會在過程中失落。 在網上以碰運氣的心情找了一陣子,也約了網路賣家從北灣〝南灣到東灣連續看了幾部車,甚至經過各二手車行想會不會找到我們的Dream Project Car。 正當 灰心想放棄時,在網上看到一個最新的Posting,是一部1998BMW318TI加長天窗特別版! 當下撥了電話約了看車,就這樣,我們的『Monkey Project』開始了~~~
